Yucca195's blog

What kind of animal crossing: The villagers of New Horizons decided to relocate is still a mystery. Although there are a lot of speculative articles and tutorials instructing players to use the net to beat villagers or a regular trip for several weeks to trigger movement, Animal Crossing data miner Ninji revealed the actual situation under the hood. You can try it many times, although it may cost you more Animal Crossing Bells, which is unavoidable, then all you can do is prepare as many Animal Crossing Nook miles Ticket as possible, and IGGM may help you in this.

Anyone who has been playing for a while can realize some basic knowledge: if you see a villager walking around with thought bubbles overhead, then talking to them will prompt people to talk about possible movements. This is also the only way for villagers to move out without using an amiibo card.

However, according to Ninji's Twitter post, before the villagers ask if they should move, some conditions must be met:

    You must live on the island with at least six villagers before one villager will ask to move out.
    Fifteen days have passed since the last villager moved out and vacated a piece of land.
    Five days have passed since the villagers asked to move.

From there, it becomes more complicated. Ninji explained that there is a formula to decide whether the villagers will ask to move out, and a formula to choose the villagers in the game.

The villagers will not ask to move, the birthday is in the last week, or the villagers they recently talked about moving, and you tell them to stay. In the end it should be pointed out that this process is random, which means that even if you calculate well, it may take several attempts to move a specific villager. But this does not matter, IGGM will provide you with strong support, you can Buy Nook miles Ticket you want at IGGM, for example, Animal Crossing Bells and Nook miles Tickets. So you don't have to worry, you just need to concentrate on your game.

This is how I schedule the game. I will log in in advance to check the radish price and see if it is the same as the Animal Crossing Bells price I expected, because the price will change at 12 pm every day. But on Sunday, I had to get up in the morning to get some radishes before Daisy May. And I will always pay attention to the trend of Nook miles Tickets. These are just a part of the routine activities of animal crossing. If you are interested, you can go to the game to experience it yourself.

I know that is not news. I have played almost all major series of games, and the one thing I have always liked is the relaxed pace and slow game construction. Always be patient. I know that some people choose to travel and advance their time so they do n’t have to wait, so they can walk around and collect resources. That’s not for me. I like the slow burning for months or even years.

The first month is always the preparation stage, where you run around like a lunatic to pick up shells and fruits, so you can pay off your loan. You are a beach bastard, sleeping in a small bed with cardboard boxes as furniture.

Then, after a few weeks, you paid off the loan, started your routine work, and figured out what you want to get from the village. Do you want to make an orchard or a beautiful garden? Do you want to decorate your bedroom like a traditional Japanese house, or in French Rococo style? New Horizons expands the options here; you can not only decorate the island itself with furniture but also shape the entire land.

Finally, you have entered the maintenance phase that I am talking about. You check the fruits of shells and trees on your coast. You will see specials in the store. You shake all the trees and water all the flowers. You will see what special guests may be visiting your town. Then, you have finished one day’s work.

Animal Crossing is not busy as long as it is at the beginning. It’s been two months, and I’m still very busy. There are still many things to do! This is mainly because they only added features to the game; even though I have been spending time, I still barely feel the surface. I haven't tried terrain remodeling, mainly because I like the layout of the island and I do n’t know what to change. I am looking for bugs and fish. I broke into the neighbor’s house to see what they were building. I wandered around the square to see if there were villagers singing.

All of this seems to run counter to the game’s point of view, making it feel more like work. However, none of these are actually necessary. There is no door service, as long as you have the time and energy, you can play for a few minutes each day. I hope that one day, all new horizons will suit me. But now, a group of fans have managed to establish a whole new reality, and I can immerse them, similar to some of the best MMOs, but many people are kind and cooperative. Recently, I have a great interest in this game. I bought a lot of Animal Crossing Bells and Nook miles Tickets at IGGM. I believe that my investment in this game will pay off. At https://www.iggm.com/animal-crossing-nook-miles-ticket

Path of Exile concept artist Sean Brown's new interview involves the behind-the-scenes story of the conceptual art process and more.

The interview first listed his work in Grinding Gear Games from Shaun. It turns out that he did a lot of things, including monsters, weapons, bosses, portals, MTX, uniqueness, characters, pets, symbols (such as magic effects), graphic illustrations (differential cards, atlas maps, etc.) thing. Of course, these things are very helpful to the player's game. Players can also purchase POE Currency in IGGM and then buy the products you need in the game.

Throughout the interview, the team shared a large number of sketches and drawings made by Shaun, covering the above topics. Sean replied that he was also asked how many personal spins he invested in his work,

"Depending on the task, sometimes when I intuitively produce ideas that can work in the game, there may be many. But there are some limitations in the game mechanics (such as the number of joints and how they move, etc.). Solve the problem and The idea of ​​trying to solve these limitations is interesting. "

The interview also covered topics such as hobbies, Sean ’s inspiration, and advice for people trying to break into the industry. In addition, regarding the currency transaction in the Path of Exile game, anyway, if you are in the game, then buying in the online mall is a good suggestion. If you need Path of Exile Currency, you can flip the item by buying it cheaply and selling it at a price higher than the purchase price. Or buy it directly in a shopping mall, such as IGGM, and their website sometimes discounts products, players can continue to pay attention.At https://www.iggm.com/poe-currency
The auction house is the main component of NBA 2K20 MyTeam, and many users have reported problems that have been appearing for weeks. On Friday, NBA 2K20 MT developer Robby Haught aka "Two Brothers Game" notified the community that the team was aware of the problem and was working hard to resolve it.

This issue is welcomed by members of the MyTeam community because it seems to be becoming more prevalent in major releases, such as the PRIME series of Galaxy Opal Lamar Odom cards launched on the market on Friday.

I often play MyTeam, and I only deal with the auction house once a week (this is part of my overall management of the highly addictive model). Maybe this is why I have never been bothered by this technical issue.

Essentially, what is reported is a random replacement of the cost of materials, which makes the valuable cards unsaleable, and even worse, the selling price is much lower than the current value.

As you might expect, many users are uncomfortable with this kind of failure, which makes the affected valuable Buy NBA 2K20 MT pay a price. Currently, there is no timetable for repairs, and the news from Haught is unexpected. Haught is a developer, not someone who has traditionally communicated with users about such issues.

Usually, the community manager is the liaison between the development team, engineers and the gaming community. Unfortunately, 2K does not have a team dedicated to this important role. Many users may welcome someone designated as a user to play MyTeam, as are other modes in the large 2K world.