Thank you for your request! Your Request Form will be reviewed shortly and a response made to the email address. You should receive a reply from a representative of ICICTE Network by 7 business day by email or LinkedIn. Occasionally we receive a very large number of requests, and your response may take a little longer. If this occurs, we appreciate your patience, and we assure you that you will receive a response. Have a great day, ICICTE Network.
After submit the form,
- Your Request Form will be reviewed shortly and a response made to the email address. You should receive a reply from a representative of ICICTE Network by 7 business day by email or LinkedIn. Occasionally we receive a very large number of requests, and your response may take a little longer. If this occurs, we appreciate your patience, and we assure you that you will receive a response.
- May we ask you more about yourself by email.
- You have to pay one time fees through PayPal (Pay Now).
- You will receive the signed certificate through your email, after finish the evaluation process.
Have a great day, ICICTE Network.